Sunday, September 1, 2013

Waiting for Your Someone?

I wanted to share something with you single ladies. I wrote this letter to my future husband back before I met him. In fact, I did this whenever I felt lonely. It helped me remember not to settle for what was available (the guys asking me out who I knew weren’t God’s best) but to wait for what was MINE. MY someone.

You have a Someone, and maybe you have not met them yet, but they are out there. As long as you are loving God, you are not far away from your Someone, because God knows exactly where he is right now.

So here’s an entry from my “Someone” journal. By the way, my husband Jason got to read this journal as one of my wedding gifts to him…

My Dear Someone,

Just thinking about you lately. Kind of like a birthday gift you know is coming, I have a sense of expectancy about you. Sure, I’ve known God would give me the gift of a wonderful mate, but it seems very near. I’ve reached a point where I am content with being single and I’ve actually grown to enjoy it in some ways. That’s saying something because for the past years, I’ve felt so impatient, spending many hours in either sadness, self-pity or insecurity over the fact that I’ve never, and I repeat, NEVER had a boyfriend. Granted, this is something I chose because I know you are there. We are both living for a greater purpose, and we will meet when it will bring the most good for us and for the Kingdom of God.

I’m so in love with my Jesus that it’s thrilling to just talk to Him. I love to lay here on these starless nights and have heart-to-heart talks with Him. Usually you come up in the conversation either because I ask about you or pray for you. I tell my siblings and others that if I’m serving God and you’re serving Him, then we can’t be too far away from each other.

At times I have a temptation to feel remorse over the fact that you are missing moments in my life or I am missing special times in yours right now, but really our faith gives us a history with one another.

I believe if two people are in love with the Father, they have in a sense known each other since they were born again because they both know the same Source of Life. If that’s where you find your identity and I find mine, then we know the most important thing about each other already even before meeting. And that gives me comfort.

I pray for you often and think of you so much. Hope you pray for me too. Hold on to the promises of God that are beyond wonderful. He blesses me with indescribable joy, despite the pain of this life. I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me and has called me to his beautiful purpose. I know you understand that no matter how much I will love you, He will always come first.

I love you already.